Lens-Artists PC: Water baby

Yes, I am one, I am drawn to every kind of water and whenever I was asked what I wished to do in life I replied: “I wish to live by the sea.” Here it is, a 12-km sandy beach less than 2 km away.

For almost nine years I’ve been living in the south of Tuscany where I moved from Slovenia, my country of origin. Before I wouldn’t be too sure if somebody asked me whether Tuscany had sea. And now it is here, just around the corner, and yet on most days I only see it from the distance. It’s enough that it’s here.

My 20 photos bring an overview of different kinds of water bodies: canals, lakes, rivers, streams, droplets, fountains, the sea, a lagoon, a puddle and a swimming pool. I hop freely between Italy and Slovenia. Welcome to freshen up with me.

For Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, hosted by Anne at Slow Shutter Speed: Water

This day in my blogging history

Published by Manja Maksimovič

A Slovenian in Italy for love. Blogger, photographer, translator and would-be writer who would be a writer if she wrote. Plus reluctant but emerging poet. Beware.

37 thoughts on “Lens-Artists PC: Water baby

  1. Great photos, but it’s your commentary which got me thinking. I live in Australia but we rarely visit the beach. It’s so crowded along the foreshore though the beach itself is often vacant. 🧐

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    1. Interesting, Not Pam. I’m glad to hear this got you thinking. By foreshore you mean something like the waterfront? Promenade by the sea? You must have so many beaches. 🙂 Over here it’s full of offshore fishermen. Bestia tends to eat all their leftover bait and hooks if I’m not careful. :p Thanks!


    1. Ahhh, Equinoxio! Thank you for this balm. Sounds so good! In my family there is this running joke: “You know what you should be doing?” Since mom keeps saying this. In her opinion I should already have millions of books out and everybody should be reading my blog. 😀

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  2. I love being near water. I could never live in a place where there wasn’t a lake or a large river. But even a small brook or a city fountain can make me feel delight. Of course now I live by the sea, but to be honest, it’s a bit too much water and it so salty! Not pleasant for swimming 😉

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