Thursday Doors 22/2/24: Along the Ljubljanica 2.

Let me show you some more of my Ljubljana, the city that I miss. Ljubljanica is the river that runs through it, and here are some of the sights and doors that you can see on its shores.

We start at the footbridge with peculiar railing holders which I have showed you before. Then the area becomes decidedly urban with street art and “art”.

Cukrarna is a refurbished sugar refinery turned art centre. We move away from the river for a while and pass a church with the colourful front. I have yet to check the interiors or both Cukrarna and St. Peter’s Parish Church.

Then we continue along Trubarjeva St. with more street art and doors, and find ourselves in the city centre where we meet the river again. The last two doors are from the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana. Before that day I had never noticed or photographed them.

As for today, Luka plays basketball again in a couple of hours. I must show you how he arrived at the All-Star Game (where he: dunked once, the second time not so much, and fooled around with Nikola Jokić all the time in slow motion. Some people are upset that he never takes this event seriously, but he knows. It’s all to lull them to sleep.)

I had to do a doublecheck.

The Don has arrived. And in a week he turns only 25.

Also today I saw the first two poppies of the year. The spring is here. But now to Ljubljana as it was last April.

For Thursday Doors challenge hosted by Dan at No Facilities

Published by Manja Maksimovič

A Slovenian in Italy for love. Blogger, photographer, translator and would-be writer who would be a writer if she wrote. Plus reluctant but emerging poet. Beware.

12 thoughts on “Thursday Doors 22/2/24: Along the Ljubljanica 2.

  1. These are wonderful photos, Manja. I do like the Academy of Music doors. I also like the street art, the bridge, the reflection and the church.

    I’m not quite sure why any of the major sports teams take their respective all star games seriously. They have evolved to just another means for the various leagues to make more money.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Manja, Loved your post. It helped me travel to Ljubljana. The weather looks pleasant and the place looks touristy. The vines hanging in the photo, ‘Back to square one’ gives the door character.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Smitha, for hopping around my blog and leaving bits for me to enjoy. I hope you visit Ljubljana for real one day. It’s nicest in the spring, March to May. But yes, more and more tourists discover it. When I was growing up there, I often wondered why not many people know about it. This is changing… Hope you’re well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Manja, I’m sorry I haven’t visited for so long. I wasn’t at home for 2 months, and once I got back, I got busy trying to get back to writing, art, and reading. The girls left, and then flu came visiting.
        You know I saw your post and hoped I could visit Ljubljana one day. My wish to meet you is part of my wish list. I’m much better now and hope to stay more connected ❤️🤗

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