Day 22 & CFFC: Water

Seven rivers from here and there and some words as long as they still flow. Prompt 22: “In honor of today’s being the 22nd day of Na/GloPoWriMo 2022, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that uses repetition. You can repeat a sound, a word, a phrase, or an image, or any combination ofContinue reading “Day 22 & CFFC: Water”

CFFC: Bridges from there to here

I don’t have that many photos of bridges, thought I as I started to gather them. There were 50 in no time. Here is a (good) half of them. I like bridges – crossing them, looking at them, looking from them, the purpose and the idea of them. They are old and new, designed forContinue reading “CFFC: Bridges from there to here”

CFFC: Birdies

As long as we can still count on the birds and the seasons, it’s going to be alright. Here is a collection of my feathery companions here in southern Tuscany with a nature reserve as a neighbour. Only the last four photos are from elsewhere: two from Rome and two from Slovenia. All except theContinue reading “CFFC: Birdies”

CFFC: Barf and leak

Ooops, I meant bark and leaf. Because Cee asks for it. That I’ve got plenty, but today more bark than leaves. As usually, my gallery is a blend of Tuscany to start with and Slovenia to finish. I’m not sure about all the tree species, but there are eucalyptus, pine, larch (I believe), sycamore (orContinue reading “CFFC: Barf and leak”

CFFC: Ordinary buildings of Italy

First I planned to do a compilation of various interesting buildings from my two countries, but then I realised that I wish to show Rome as I saw it three weeks ago after almost two years without a single visit. Monteverde in Rome is where amore’s father lives and when we go there, this isContinue reading “CFFC: Ordinary buildings of Italy”

CFFC: Siena trios

Cee is showcasing Mama Cormier’s Thursday Trios this week and I thought of Siena and my three visits. Here are some trios from there. It was Sunny Days, who likes to travel and eat well (for example in Salzburg as seen here), who found my old post from Siena and commented that it was callingContinue reading “CFFC: Siena trios”

Thursday Doors + CFFC: Door gifts + Lendava Castle

Every door is a gift, every gift is a door, and through its mouth we walk. Today is a rare occasion that my door post most happily answers to two challenges: Dan is our usual Thursday Doors host, whereas Cee, having fun connecting to other challenges, has chosen Thursday Doors to play with this week.Continue reading “Thursday Doors + CFFC: Door gifts + Lendava Castle”

Wordless Wednesday: Which way signs

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Which Way and for Which Way Photo Challenge, hosted by San at Alive and Trekking This day in my blogging history

CFFC: Happy Tili, windows, trios and seats

Today celebrates my friend who was gone from my life for almost thirty years but now is back and was the last friend from Slovenia to visit me in Tuscany together with her pack. Here are chosen together times featuring windows, trios and seats from both my countries. I realise that not everybody thinks joiningContinue reading “CFFC: Happy Tili, windows, trios and seats”

Wordless Wednesday with more than four colours

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Four Colors or More This day in my blogging history (Actually tomorrow, December 30th)

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