Day 28 & Thursday Doors poem

Because it’s Thursday, because my friend asks me what doors mean to me, and because we are to shape up our poem today – the shape can be only one. Prompt 28: “Write a concrete poem. In brief, a concrete poem is one in which the lines are shaped in a way that mimics theContinue reading “Day 28 & Thursday Doors poem”

Day One & Friendly Friday frames

Just like my English, my photography is that little bit wrong. And that’s what saves me. Damn! I just realised that after eight years and six free blogs, WordPress has reduced my free upload space from 3 GB to 500 MB! Thanks for nothing!! I started this blog in August and am at 100% already.Continue reading “Day One & Friendly Friday frames”

Cin cin, Flavia!

Getaways with Flavia are the thing I miss the most, if anybody asks. Let’s hope for many more. Just when you get the first friend in Italy (and what a friend!), first the pandemic hits and then she moves to Iraq. By the way, her hotel has just opened, if you wish to visit Basra.Continue reading “Cin cin, Flavia!”

Lens-Artists PC: Water baby

Yes, I am one, I am drawn to every kind of water and whenever I was asked what I wished to do in life I replied: “I wish to live by the sea.” Here it is, a 12-km sandy beach less than 2 km away. For almost nine years I’ve been living in the southContinue reading “Lens-Artists PC: Water baby”

PPAC: Prekmurje 3. – Lendava Castle

Before we exit the Castle after last week’s Hundertwasser exhibition, here are some artefacts from its permanent historical collection with a local tune in two versions. You will see some interesting sculptures, some weapons, the model of the train station and an impressive shield. If you wish more information, visit this site. We still haveContinue reading “PPAC: Prekmurje 3. – Lendava Castle”

Lens-Artists PC: Interesting finds

This is what I do, more or less. My camera is always on the lookout for objects of interest, be it in nature or culture. That’s why I’m suffering when nothing new comes along, even though same old means rural Tuscany. I could do many galleries like this one, and I have, and I will.Continue reading “Lens-Artists PC: Interesting finds”

CFFC: Happy Tili, windows, trios and seats

Today celebrates my friend who was gone from my life for almost thirty years but now is back and was the last friend from Slovenia to visit me in Tuscany together with her pack. Here are chosen together times featuring windows, trios and seats from both my countries. I realise that not everybody thinks joiningContinue reading “CFFC: Happy Tili, windows, trios and seats”

Pic and a Word #296: Bluster

Once in a while I have to google the challenge word we are given. But even once I did, only silly verses dropped by. Bluster, buster, blister, booster. Gust, bust, lust. Just … must. Blast from the past, best for the last: blues & rhythm, drum & bass. The photo accompaniment is more serious. TheseContinue reading “Pic and a Word #296: Bluster”

Complete Calendar 2020

I like to relive the past like this, year after year, month by month, 20 photos at the time. Before the new year can start, I have to deal away with the previous. These were my twelve months of 2020. At the time when people make calendars for 2022, I’m two years behind. What elseContinue reading “Complete Calendar 2020”

Best of Thursday Doors 2021

Since this is the last Thursday Doors post of the year, let’s have 30 of my favourite doors posted in 2021. This year has been spread over two blogs, so the first half and a bit of my Thursday Doors can be found on my previous blog Mexcessive. With August we have all moved toContinue reading “Best of Thursday Doors 2021”

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