Thursday Doors 7/3/24: Castelnuovo di Porto, again

We returned to the town of the LINA bistro one month ago and here are some fresh door photos. This town is 40 km north of Rome, if you’re ever in the neighbourhood. The castle above the square with LINA had a Serial Killer exhibition for some reason. I climbed the stairs – for theContinue reading “Thursday Doors 7/3/24: Castelnuovo di Porto, again”

Thursday Doors 23/11/23: Proceno Castle 4

Today we say goodbye to our host Cecilia and Castello di Proceno north of Lake Bolsena and observe some doors nearby on the way to the car. This visit was a real deal. Once I was out of the garden and was observing the next group getting ready to visit the castle on this open-doorContinue reading “Thursday Doors 23/11/23: Proceno Castle 4”

Thursday Doors 9/11/23: Proceno Castle 3.

Today we descend from the roof and snoop in the garden around the rooms to let. We meet a turtle and, of course, some doors and gates. Two weeks ago I left you on the roof of Castello di Proceno just outside Tuscany in Lazio which I visited on an open-door day in May. NowContinue reading “Thursday Doors 9/11/23: Proceno Castle 3.”

Thursday Doors 26/10/23: Proceno Castle 2.

Today we climb to the top of Castello di Proceno over many stairs and floors and past walls that have seen plenty and kept much. There are not as many doors today. All the other stuff has swallowed them up. As we started two weeks ago, so we continue: by following signora Cecilia Cecchini BisoniContinue reading “Thursday Doors 26/10/23: Proceno Castle 2.”

Thursday Doors 12/10/23: Proceno Castle 1.

Back in May I did the two-castle open-door day and finally here is the second castle, Castello di Proceno north of Lake Bolsena just out of Tuscany. The first castle, the Orsini-Odescalchi castle in Bracciano, got its own Thursday Doors series already (this was the first post), and today we approach the other one inContinue reading “Thursday Doors 12/10/23: Proceno Castle 1.”

Thursday Doors 28/9/23: Castelnuovo di Porto bonus doors

I’ve had an entire series of door posts from this town 40 km north of Rome already, but two weeks ago we returned there to show my uncle the bistro which amore’s daughter bought with her boyfriend. That Saturday the piazza before the LINA bistro was especially busy with a concert of traditional taranta orContinue reading “Thursday Doors 28/9/23: Castelnuovo di Porto bonus doors”

Thursday Doors 3/8/23: Bracciano Castle 6

This is the end of the series and it finishes with a library and a cat. How fitting. Hello, people, from Ljubljana, my city, which we reached today in humid heat with promises of the stormiest weekend of the year. And our card tournament is coming up. Oh well. Yesterday Greece beat Slovenia in aContinue reading “Thursday Doors 3/8/23: Bracciano Castle 6”

Thursday Doors 27/7/23: Bracciano Castle 5

Here is another chapter in the door photo story from the castle by the lake with a curtain, a ceiling, an “invisible” door, a bed, and of course plenty of doors. Greetings from Piran in Slovenia! I was sly and prepared these photos in advance back home, because I knew that my laptop would createContinue reading “Thursday Doors 27/7/23: Bracciano Castle 5”

Thursday Doors 20/7/23: Bracciano Castle 4.

Let’s continue our tour of the castle in Bracciano next to the volcanic lake of the same name. We finally arrive indoors and things get quite fancy quite soon. It was a busy open-door day in late May. First there was one castle with many floors and we got to climb all the way toContinue reading “Thursday Doors 20/7/23: Bracciano Castle 4.”

Thursday Doors 13/7/23: Castelnuovo di Porto 4.

This is the last door post from the small town north of Rome with LINA bistro, owned by amore’s daughter and her boyfriend, where I celebrated my May birthday this year. Three Thursday Doors posts from here preceded this one and I still don’t know which door is their home. I may have taken aContinue reading “Thursday Doors 13/7/23: Castelnuovo di Porto 4.”

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