Thursday Doors 14/3/24: Torre di Buranaccio

I remember more doors from this open-door day one year ago, promise. That day I finally climbed our tower. Here, have more photos than usually, just not with as many doors. For ten years I had been watching it, this tower on the piece of land between Lake Burano and the sea a few kilometresContinue reading “Thursday Doors 14/3/24: Torre di Buranaccio”

November 2022

Welcome to my November of last year in twenty images. One day was spent in Rome, once I went to our flamingo lagoon, and the rest was spent at and around home. Since I spend so much time at home, I don’t take as many pictures as I used to. This is why with thisContinue reading “November 2022”

October 2022

Time to look back a year at last October in twenty images for my Calendar series. It was flowery but not very happening. Just like this year. Unlike usually, having lots of options, in this post I had to use almost all the photos I’d selected. I went to the lagoon once, but mostly justContinue reading “October 2022”

Day 30: No debate

Let’s finish off April with a (non)debateable poem, twenty images from where I wrote poems this month, and a guy I’d like you to meet. Prompt 30: Write a palinode – a poem in which you retract a view or sentiment expressed in an earlier poem. For example, you might pick a poem you draftedContinue reading “Day 30: No debate”

Our bestia is ten years old

The poem for today will have to wait. We got a monster prompt and I’m travelling. In the meantime, let’s celebrate bestia. There was a storm in the night and bestia kept me away between one to five, which is not ideal but since it’s his birthday, I’m not holding him against it. We willContinue reading “Our bestia is ten years old”

Thursday Doors 30/3/23 &CFFC: Things people live in

As a step away from my immediate doors here is a compilation post of homes with the strongest appeal, captured in the last ten years in Italy and Slovenia, my roaming grounds. Unsurprisingly, most of them are guarded by green doors. I used to do them often, such compilations, but not in a while. LetContinue reading “Thursday Doors 30/3/23 &CFFC: Things people live in”

Thursday not really Doors 16/3/23: Capalbio Scalo

Previous week I showed you our train station and once I was there, I took the long way home. It lasted an hour to reach it. I wish to show you my walk, no matter that there were not many doors to speak of. But first: Take the fibre, they said. It will be fast,Continue reading “Thursday not really Doors 16/3/23: Capalbio Scalo”

March 2022

Happy first poppy day! No photo yet but there it was by the road this morning, tiny, alone and first. Here are twenty glances from last March to see how spring was unfolding last year. Of course, the first poppy I already noticed at Christmas, but that was the only one, an anomaly, whereas thisContinue reading “March 2022”

November 2021

Before the month runs out, it’s time for my monthly Calendar post. Here is last November in twenty images plus two special photos from this year. Let’s start with a photo that my uncle in Ljubljana sent me almost three weeks ago, of his Japanese maple in all its November splendour. Next, today is theContinue reading “November 2021”

Thursday Doors 25/8/22: August 2021

As I was choosing photos for my most recent 2021 Calendar post, many doors obediently popped up, begging me to make a Thursday Doors post with them. Who am I to say no. Here they are then, the majority from Ljubljana, a few from Maribor, Slovenia’s city #2, and the last five from Italy toContinue reading “Thursday Doors 25/8/22: August 2021”

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