Thursday Doors 15/12/22: Best of 2022

Are you ready for a door feast? Here are two massive Mexcessive galleries with a selection of Thursday Doors posted this year. I love doing this kind of overview posts, especially since I don’t need to upload anything new, merely look back in my Media and select the favourites. And since this is the lastContinue reading “Thursday Doors 15/12/22: Best of 2022”

Thursday Doors 25/8/22: August 2021

As I was choosing photos for my most recent 2021 Calendar post, many doors obediently popped up, begging me to make a Thursday Doors post with them. Who am I to say no. Here they are then, the majority from Ljubljana, a few from Maribor, Slovenia’s city #2, and the last five from Italy toContinue reading “Thursday Doors 25/8/22: August 2021”

August 2021

I’m still here, just less so. It’s the time of month to look back a year and re-experience my last year’s August. How are you? I miss you and your blogs. I’m still in Slovenia, waiting for the basketball Euro Championship to begin (and end) before I return to Tuscany. It is a completely differentContinue reading “August 2021”

Cin cin, Flavia!

Getaways with Flavia are the thing I miss the most, if anybody asks. Let’s hope for many more. Just when you get the first friend in Italy (and what a friend!), first the pandemic hits and then she moves to Iraq. By the way, her hotel has just opened, if you wish to visit Basra.Continue reading “Cin cin, Flavia!”

Thursday Doors 17/2/22: Cerveteri 2.

Today we say goodbye to Cerveteri, its doors and Flavia. This late August trip last year was our last getaway. As you can tell, I miss outings like this and then don’t go anywhere. It’s still a bit chilly, but it’s not that. My feet are hurting but it’s not (only) that either. I’m inContinue reading “Thursday Doors 17/2/22: Cerveteri 2.”

Thursday Doors 10/2/22: Cerveteri 1.

A hop back to August when Flavia and I had our last year’s only getaway. A week or so later she was off to Iraq for work. Ah, how well we did our getaways and how I miss them! So many giggles and jokes, doors for me and windows for her, new places, beauty, freshContinue reading “Thursday Doors 10/2/22: Cerveteri 1.”

CFFC: Twisty or squiggly

Another mighty fun gallery put together for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, ending with my favourite twisty image of all times. I clearly remember posting several twists of fate already, including the last shot of today. It was the post Simple twists of May 2017 when I lost my front tooth to chicken. Today I addContinue reading “CFFC: Twisty or squiggly”

CMMC: My summer dark greens

This is my first entry for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge and she would like to see our dark greens, possibly my favourite eye balsam. All my today’s photos were taken this year from June up to now. This has been an exceptionally busy time for me, especially after months and months of low activity. MyContinue reading “CMMC: My summer dark greens”

Our Saturday, again

It’s been ten months but finally we managed to have another Saturday together, Flavia and I. Sea walking, lunch, a new town, gelato, laughs and chatter… exactly what we both needed. It didn’t start well since just as I arrived in Cerveteri, our meeting place, I saw Flavia’s message: “Do not come! Dead battery!” LuckilyContinue reading “Our Saturday, again”

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