Thursday Doors 15/2/24: Along the Ljubljanica 1.

The Ljubljanica is the river that flows through Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, my city of birth. Last April, during our Easter week visit, I walked along the river and clicked at everything that surprised me. Some of it was doors. I loved how spring made itself felt and seen. I loved the church thatContinue reading “Thursday Doors 15/2/24: Along the Ljubljanica 1.”

Day 22 & CFFC: Water

Seven rivers from here and there and some words as long as they still flow. Prompt 22: “In honor of today’s being the 22nd day of Na/GloPoWriMo 2022, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that uses repetition. You can repeat a sound, a word, a phrase, or an image, or any combination ofContinue reading “Day 22 & CFFC: Water”

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