Thursday Doors 15/2/24: Along the Ljubljanica 1.

The Ljubljanica is the river that flows through Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, my city of birth. Last April, during our Easter week visit, I walked along the river and clicked at everything that surprised me. Some of it was doors.

I loved how spring made itself felt and seen. I loved the church that I had never noticed in all my 40+ years living in the city. I loved various windows and street signs, colours and shapes, the breeze and the flow. I loved seeing my exact place of birth, the city’s main maternity hospital. I loved the painted walls and even asked a security guy to move a little to the right unless he wished to be in the frame, which is not something I often do.

For Thursday Doors challenge hosted by Dan at No Facilities

Published by Manja Maksimovič

A Slovenian in Italy for love. Blogger, photographer, translator and would-be writer who would be a writer if she wrote. Plus reluctant but emerging poet. Beware.

13 thoughts on “Thursday Doors 15/2/24: Along the Ljubljanica 1.

  1. It’s funny how we can move through a place over and over for years and not notice some things. These are all lovely photos, Manja. The door with the squares on it is quite interesting. I like the fact that there are three of them. The doors, the stone, the windows and even the ceiling is a pattern of squares and rectangles. I love seeing crows on guard. The first picture is my favorite. A promise of spring. Thanks for taking us along on your walk.


  2. Nice doors. In 2023, one of my clients gave me an assignment to write on Ljubljanica (travel article) and I was like WHAT? Is that even a place? For me, it was hard to pronounce. However, as I researched more and discovered more about Slovenia I liked the place. I wrote about Piran and Celje as well both were spectacularly beautiful.

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  3. Manja what an uplifting post with a super selection of photos. My faves are the church doors – those are excellent! Also I loved the colour scheme as you did, with Spring green against coral. I think your guess is right about the Magnolia. I was just researching those a couple days ago to possibly plant in our yard. There is a pink one called Strawberry Field Magnolia 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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