Thursday Doors 29/2/24: Doors of 2024 so far

In this post I will show you some of my sights and doors from this year so far, starting with our new car. We are not quite sure yet but I think we’ll call her Monica.

We waited for the new car so eagerly and now we barely use it. For now. But just seeing its yellow parked outside through the window makes me happy already. It spells opportunity.

These photos are from three occasions: the time when we returned to Castelnuovo di Porto to visit amore’s daughter in her bistro LINA and were (briefly) blocked by protesting tractors, the time when we drove to Porto Santo Stefano in fruitless search of a gelato, and last Sunday when we visited amore’s father in Rome and bestia took me around Monteverde on our usual walk. It was a glorious day.

And the doors, the doors are all around us at all times anyway. Let’s go.

(As for Luka news, after two ugly losses in Indiana and Cleveland and the beautiful Luka’s 25th birthday victory two days ago in Toronto, tonight Dallas Mavericks plays the currently best NBA team, the Boston Celtics in Boston. Sooo curious to see what happens.)

For Thursday Doors challenge hosted by Dan at No Facilities

Published by Manja Maksimovič

A Slovenian in Italy for love. Blogger, photographer, translator and would-be writer who would be a writer if she wrote. Plus reluctant but emerging poet. Beware.

14 thoughts on “Thursday Doors 29/2/24: Doors of 2024 so far

  1. The pink and green are so pretty–very springish (springy?). I like the little bump out balconies. I’m sure they have a specific name that Dan will know.
    The wagging tail on Monica…! I would love to be behind her on a rainy day. I’d be smiling through the entire downpour.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahh, so kind, thank you, K! I had a look at the date, saw February, started to read it and then realised it was one year old and that I’ve read it before. 🙂 But never mind, I enjoyed reading it again and maybe somebody else notices it here. I’ve been thinking of Luka’s farm-to-be recently, and I bet he has as well. As he says, professional basketball is hard.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There’s a more recent article I wanted to send, but it’s in the Athletic, and I’m not sure they let you share articles. Still, I’ll find the link and try to send it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh yes, for me The Athletic articles are usually locked – this one too – but I managed to find an unlocked version of this article just recently. The irony is that the very next game after this article was out the opponent hit a shot from the other half of the court in the last second to win the game. I can just imagine how Luka must have felt. Thank you for thinking of me. ❤

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  2. I’ll start with two apologies. I’m late, sorry, but as spring approaches, life gets in the way a lot. Two, sorry about the Celtics. They are the team I am expected to support, but I don’t. I was hoping Luca and Co, could hand them a loss.

    I love the doors and Monica look like she fits in very well. I like her tail. Nice reflection shot, but I think your pup is urging you on. The pink building is gorgeous. It also looks new, or newly renovated. Maybe not, but I like it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Dan, no need to apologize. You always come over, it’s guaranteed and we can count on it. Thank you! As for the Celtics, they are clearly the better team, but we have the best player. I thought there was a moment in the 3rd quarter where it could go either way, but there were too many boos for Kyrie (I mean…) and the Mavs weren’t hitting nearly enough threes to be competitive. I’m glad you like the photos. Spring is on.

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