Thursday Doors 10/3/22: Miklošičeva St., Ljubljana

This street leads straight from the Triple Bridges and the pink church in the centre of Slovenia’s capital city to its central train and bus stations.

I walked this street last July on my way to my first vaccination upon finally reaching Slovenia again after one year. I was rather confused and mistakenly searched for my vax point in a completely wrong part of the city. Luckily, it’s a small city and I was able to walk to the correct spot.

Here are some doors that I met on the way. I could swear that I saw a few of them for the first time even though they have been here forever. Funny how blogging, and moving to another country, opens your eyes.

And while here in Tuscany it’s the first really nice and warm spring day, some – like Dan, our host – have snow, some have rain, some have sand storms, some have war, and some lost by 30 points last night. Problems are getting mighty relative.

Some of these photos I’ve posted already for other challenges but here they are all together in one street. Welcome to Ljubljana!

For Thursday Doors challenge hosted by Dan at No Facilities

This day in my blogging history

Published by Manja Maksimovič

A Slovenian in Italy for love. Blogger, photographer, translator and would-be writer who would be a writer if she wrote. Plus reluctant but emerging poet. Beware.

37 thoughts on “Thursday Doors 10/3/22: Miklošičeva St., Ljubljana

  1. These are wonderful doors, Manja. Despite the fact that the buildings I find in this country are almost always younger than the buildings you show us, more of yours have original (or period looking) doors. I’m a little jealous.

    “Triple Bridges and the pink church in the centre of Slovenia’s capital city to its central train and bus stations” You had me with that for sure.

    I hope you’re having a great week.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Vernik House is wonderful, as are the other discoveries (new and old). I love the gnu poem and associated photos. And I appreciate your point about the relative severity of problems (but 30-point losses definitely pinch…) I’m so glad to have time to read your posts again!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The pleasure of visiting you is mine. And thanks for forgiving my misspelling: the Vurnick House. Lovely Ljubljana fills me with joy. And I love that you can wander to the wrong destination and still walk to the right one. A perfect sized city!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. You could still pay homage to it and fashion a children’s story if you were so inclined. Trouble with those is, you just can’t make any rude jokes. So I doubt I’ll ever write one.

        Liked by 1 person

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