PPAC: Prekmurje 4. – Vinarium Tower

My one-day Pannonian tour from three years ago continues with a tower. The art of today’s post is in its architecture and the scenery of four countries visible from the top.

I hope blobber Marsha, our host with a most realistic torn sock in her post, won’t mind too much if I include architecture among arts for this series. It allows me to post photos that I haven’t posted yet, all taken in one day in the summer of 2019.

This is how the day started, with the Vinarium Tower in Lendava. The castle – the venue of the first three posts in this series – came after the tower. We met with my friend Sabina, who I hadn’t seen in decades (Facebook reunites people again!), under her home and greeted her mother, and then we were off to the tower.

The Vinarium was built in 2015. The design, which you will see explained on the board in the gallery, is the work of Slovenian architects Oskar Virag and Iztok Rajšter.

Its highest point is just above 50 metres and from the viewing platform a bit lower down you can see four countries: Austria to the north, Hungary to the east, Croatia to the south, and more of Slovenia to the west. Wiki says that it is the third most visited tourist attraction of Slovenia, but I wouldn’t bet on that. Maybe the third for which you have to pay.

So yes, it’s not free to climb it (by stairs or lift) but it’s free to watch it from the outside. We did both. Welcome to join me.

For Photographing Public Art Challenge (PPAC) hosted by Marsha at Always Write

This day in my blogging history

Published by Manja Maksimovič

A Slovenian in Italy for love. Blogger, photographer, translator and would-be writer who would be a writer if she wrote. Plus reluctant but emerging poet. Beware.

22 thoughts on “PPAC: Prekmurje 4. – Vinarium Tower

  1. What’s not to love about that building? The shape and construction is amazing. And it’s entire purpose in life is to take people up to look around? That is entirely artistic. I also loved your doorfie! You are so funny, Manja.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marsha. 🙂 I’m glad you like it. I remember certain criticism of erecting towers just for the view. Slovenia is strange. Someone else in the door crowd came up with this word doorfie, but I can’t remember who. I hope you’re doing well.

      Liked by 1 person

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