Sixty-six film flashes

Here are flash reviews of all 66 films that I have seen in the last three years and a half. If anybody asked me I’d say that out of all the things I do on my blog I’m proudest of a few poems and my film posts. It’s because I love this kind of shortContinue reading “Sixty-six film flashes”

Almost 50 documentaries

This post deals with all the documentaries that I have seen in the last three years. They are varied, sensational, ground-breaking, important, fun and neatly ranked and rated. But first, I wish to celebrate my friend Crystal, my generation, who celebrates her birthday today on a trip to Boston, one day after David Bowie, ElvisContinue reading “Almost 50 documentaries”

Series killer

Today we are going serial. No fear, I will not spoil any series for you, but here are all the TV series and miniseries that I have seen in the last three years. They are ranked and accompanied by outdoor sitting as spotted here in Tuscany. Yes, it has indeed been three years since myContinue reading “Series killer”

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