Four April centos: No. 2

Today is the day for the second of four centos that I compiled from the endings of poems that were written on the last day of April, Day 30 of NaPoWriMo. This one has to do with life. As I gathered all the last lines of the 96 poems shared on the official NaPoWriMo websiteContinue reading “Four April centos: No. 2”

Day Five: Smile

I wrote the poem first and then found just the leaf for it. Prompt 5: Begin by reading Charles Simic’s poem “The Melon.” … For today’s challenge, write a poem in which laughter comes at what might otherwise seem an inappropriate moment – or one that the poem invites the reader to think of asContinue reading “Day Five: Smile”

Thursday birthday doors and stuff 21/7/22

Today celebrates my sister so it won’t be only doors but rather a variety of views that I wish to gift to her right now with heartfelt wishes. Compared to my regular ones this post is a double, but since I do it so rarely these days, you deserve it – my sister, who isContinue reading “Thursday birthday doors and stuff 21/7/22”

Pic and a Word #306: Garden?

A garden poem I’ve just had a garden post but gardens are always nice, say I when I see Patrick’s new theme. Let’s see. So many gardens that I miss! It’s always wonderful to come back to the garden. I know! I’ll search for various song lyrics that mention a garden, such as, you know,Continue reading “Pic and a Word #306: Garden?”

Lens-Artists PC: I choose

I was really happy to see that this week Tina lets us choose what to post. I’ve just had a wonderful Saturday and wish to show it to you. I went Among Humans again, but it started with a bird. I think I understand now why I don’t do it often, go anywhere out ofContinue reading “Lens-Artists PC: I choose”

CFFC: Two colours

Another fun gallery to make for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge. The more colours, the better. Today two. I love colours. Last week it was only one, now there are two in every image. Again photos need to words. They were taken in my parents’ garden in Piran, Ljubljana Botanical Gardens, and on walks around myContinue reading “CFFC: Two colours”

Friendly Friday flower button

It took me a while to discover the flower button on my point-and-shoot and experiment with what it could do. Now I have a new old Nikon D5000 and it likes to look at the world up close even more. All today’s photos were taken with my first DSLR camera, which I’ve had not yetContinue reading “Friendly Friday flower button”

Here and now

As I’m off to meet my incoming friends at the airport, here is what they will see when they get here. I may like posting greens and blues, but here and now Tuscany looks like this. Yesterday it didn’t start right, since their first flight was cancelled. I cannot imagine how this must have felt.Continue reading “Here and now”

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